Innogenex Healthcare has a dedicated marketing team that tends to consumer demands by conducting the necessary research to identify our target customers and their needs. The department also tracks trends and monitors competition to create and implement strategic marketing plans for our brands. Goals are set and surpassed through the effective cross-departmental communication of a detailed marketing plan.


The Innogenex Healthcare sales team is one that is highly qualified. All team members are well trained with professional medical and pharmacist backgrounds to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the product and therapy area.

It covers all the different sales channels for the product, including direct face to face specialist detailing, and pharmacy sales.


We work with a wide network of well-established distributors to deliver products to the target market as well as leverage our relationship with all private hospitals and institutions, pharmacy chains, and individual pharmacies ensuring brand availability across the distribution channels.


The Innogenex Healthcare regulatory team handles all stages of the regulatory requirements process. Ranging from receiving the dossiers until registering our partner brands in the region. Our team is fully aware of all the regulatory updates that govern the industry. We ensure proper submission and follow up to final registration with the government authorities in the region. We continue to handle any necessary variations as they arise.