Innogenex Healthcare takes next steps toward expanding the multinational pharmaceutical experience with Krka

Celebrating 66 years of dedication to knowledge and scientific advancement. Krka’s first pharmaceutical laboratory was established in Novo mesto, Slovenia.

In its commitment to accelerating the access of international healthcare companies to the growing markets of Gulf and the Middle East, Innogenex Healthcare partners with Slovenia’s own Krka to provide an array of clinically proven products range including gastroenterology, cardiology, oncology, mental health, and over the counter medications.

“Krka is one of the few generic pharmaceutical companies with products whose efficacy has been proven in various international clinical studies in everyday clinical practice”

Being one of the world’s leading generic pharmaceutical companies, Krka’s first laboratory initially employed nine people and has expanded to nearly 13,000 employees today with one united mission, “to provide high quality, safe and effective medicines to more than 50 million patients worldwide under any circumstance.”

Krka relies on its effective vertically integrated business model and an innovative approach to the development of generic medicines to continuously deliver on this promise. Development processes, quality control, supply chain, and production capabilities continue to prove Krka’s dedication to providing high quality products for optimum health.

Innogenex Healthcare is proud to partner with Krka toward an innovative healthcare future.

Happy anniversary, Krka.

Innogenex Healthcare Team

Delivering Innovative Healthcare

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